Saturday 7 March 2015


1.who is the father of computer?

ans:Charles babbage

2.who is the father of Computer Science?

ans:Alan Turing

3.who invented first compiler?

ans:Grace Murray Hopper

4.who was the first programmer?

ans:Ada Lovelace

5.who is the father of artificial intelligence?

ans:John McCarthy

6.which was the first Mechanical Computer?

ans:Difference Engine by Charles Babbage

7.which was the first electronic Computer?

ans:ENIAC-Electronic Numerical Integrator and Computer

8.Worlds first microprocessor?

ans:The intel 4004

9.who coined 'Software'?

ans:John Wilder Tukey

10.First browser in the world?

ans:WWW World Wide Web(Renamed to Nexus)

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